Treat Accessibly - How to start a discussion - Atticus Goes Trick or Treating - Book - Page 45
Treat Accessibly - How to start a discussion
Here is an example of a way
the discussion could start :
Opening Statement 1: Att icus sure looked happy about trick or treating for
the first time. When was a time you tried something for the first time?
Question 1: What was it? How did it feel?
Opening Statement 2: Att icus liked being with his friends. Everybody
needs friends. It's important.
Question 2: What do you like doing with your friends?
Initiating The Discussion Thoughts:
Kids, inclusion is a big word. It means that everybody gets to do things
together. People with disabilities want to be part of things with you.
Children and grown-ups can have all kinds of disabilities. Some disabilities
mean that people have trouble moving. Other people may not see or hear
like you. Some people may have one arm or leg instead of two or speak
with a machine that they type what they want to say into.
So everyone's different. But you know what is the same? Everyone wants
to have fun. Think about some fun things that you like to do. Most kids with
disabilities like to do the same things.
On Halloween, your home can trick-or-treat from your driveway
so kids who use wheelchairs like Att icus can join in. Stickers or
small toys can be good for kids who can't eat candy like you.
Some kids may have a hard time speaking to strangers, so by
meeting them in your driveway, they can stay close to their
parents without feeling diff erent.