Treat Accessibly: Join us and be part of something great - Atticus Goes Trick or Treating - Book - Page 5
Treat Accessibly: Join us and be part of something great
A Message of H ope and Thanks to Our Readers
A message of thanks and hope to our readers.
Th e Treat Accessibly movement was started at one home, by one little girl, to
champion one little boy. Little did she know that her heartfelt effort would touch the
hearts of a family on the West Coast and become an integral part of another little boy's
Today, over 150,000 homes Treat Accessibly on H alloween night in Canada. O ur
goal is to reach 400,000 homes, one home fo r every one of the 400,000 Canadian kids
who identify with having a disability.
Treat Accessibly is made possible by people like Janelle and this touching story
about her grandson, Atticus, and our daughter, Siena, all the people who have made
their home accessible on H alloween night, and at our Treat Accessibly H alloween
V ill age events across the country.
I n 2019, when our family set out on the path to make H alloween, in Canada, the
fi rst accessible holiday tradition in the world, we had no idea how we were going to do
it, until these champions started removing barriers.
Th anks to RE/ M AX , we've made over I 00,000 FREE Accessible Trick-or-Treating
lawn signs fo r Canadian homeowners.
I n partnership with Ki nder, our message is shared on every single box of their
H alloween chocolates in Canada.
Because of Canadian Tire, the Treat Accessibly H alloween V ill age dream has
become a reality fo r thousands of kids and parents, with and without disabilities, who
are gett ing their fi rst traditional, house-to-house, Trick-or-Treating experience.
O ur family promises to continue growing the movement to champion
everyBO D Y, by bringing us together fo r one night, to help give our kids a more
inclusive future every day.
H appy H alloween EveryBO D Y!